Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ok, so here goes... I'm going to start blogging. I plan to post pics and type a little something on the first day of each month. Each post will be about the previous month.

September 2009
Blake is such a sweet baby! He is bringing us all so much joy! He weighed 11 pounds at his 1 month visit and on Monday 9/28 at the 2 month visit, he was 14 pounds 3 ounces -- keeping him in the 97% for weight and height.
He is smiling all the time (whenever someone talks to him) and is recognizing us too.
Julia is fully into the school routine now. We went to her open house on 9/15. There is a pic of her and her teacher, Mrs. Cerise. She loves her teacher and school! We also went to the SOCK-HOP PTA fundraiser. There is a pic of Julia and Mason all dressed up and a pic of the hula-hoop contest.
There are pics of Mason's party which was actually the last weekend in August. He had a great time on Grandad's BIG truck. Mason is now potty trained! YEAH!
There are also a few pictures of Blake and of our family on our first Sunday back to church. And one of Mason and Julia having a "slumber party" (Blake is in the pic too!). We have been moving Mason's bed into Julia's room on weekend nights so they can sleep together.
We also enjoyed a visit from Aunt Terry and Uncle Scott. They came in from Tampa just to meet baby Blake.
One more big piece of news... our house is up for sale. If you know of anyone looking to buy pass along our website....